Why a Provincial Association of Men’s Sheds?
Mensheds Manitoba (MSM) is a collection of Men’s Sheds within the province who regularly network for mutual support and sharing of ideas.
1. Our Mission:
The Mission of Mensheds Manitoba is to support existing Men’s Sheds in Manitoba and help establish Sheds in additional communities. MSM will not have any direct control over, or responsibility for, any individual Shed.
2. Our Objectives:
To represent the interests of Men’s Sheds in Manitoba to provincial bodies;
To support established Sheds within the province & build a network among them;
To provide support and resources for emerging Sheds in Manitoba;
To maintain a provincial registry of established and emerging sheds;
To raise public awareness of the social, physical and emotional health benefits of Men’s Sheds;
To provide benefits to member Sheds such as discounted group liability insurance rates;
To develop strategic alliances with key organizations in the province;
To host Provincial Conferences (in person or virtual) as needed/wanted.
- To represent the interests of Men’s Sheds in Manitoba to provincial bodies;
- To support established Sheds within the province & build a network among them;
- To provide support and resources for emerging Sheds in Manitoba;
- To maintain a provincial registry of established and emerging sheds;
- To raise public awareness of the social, physical and emotional health benefits of Men’s Sheds;
- To provide benefits to member Sheds such as discounted group liability insurance rates;
- To develop strategic alliances with key organizations in the province;
- To host Provincial Conferences (in person or virtual) as needed/wanted.
3. Services Offered:
The Men’s Shed movement is a bottom-up organization by design, where all the power resides at the Shed level.
Sheds decide if they want to be involved with the Provincial or Federal Shedding organizations and how much they want to be involved. Membership and therefore fees are voluntary. The current annual membership fee is $20.00
We strive to make free to any Manitoba Shed (and beyond) our information and guidance. Yet some things simply cost money per shed. For example, your portion of a Group Liability Insurance, should you choose to participate in that part of our offerings.